Meet Fred!

Fred Sheep 03, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

Eli at Flutterby Patch posted a knitting pattern for a cute sheep that I just had to try! The result was Fred! His body is knit of some leftover generic brown knitting worsted but his coat is knit of the loopy wool!

Fred Sheep 02
Fred is enjoying the mottled shade under the Gold Dust Croton. He was lots of fun to make ~ and surprizingly took only two or three hours from start to finish! I think I'll have to make him a couple of different coats and maybe a companion or two!

Fred Sheep 01


@ijeanes saidā€¦
Hi Lisa,

I just wanted to say thank you for bringing such a cute creation to my eye by pure accident.

I have linked it to my posterous at because I want to start a #sheepishfilms hashtag to break up my busy day with humour. I posted a photo of 'Fred' - i hope you don't mind!

Keep up the nice work.

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